Leading Effective Meetings
Meetings comprise 50%-80% of a manager’s day. Are you spinning your wheels, unable to effectively move matters forward? Getting bogged down in unproductive discussions? Learn how to make your meetings matter, make them more productive, and reach the outcomes you want. This session outlines what to do prior to the meeting to drive toward your goal, unpacks how to get the most out of meeting participants, shows how to block unproductive behaviors from recalcitrant peers, and helps you coax ideas from your quieter colleagues. Taking the meeting step-by-step, you’ll learn how to steer your meetings in the direction you want them to go and help make better use of everyone’s time in the process.
Learning Objectives:
Learn how to structure your agenda to drive toward the outcomes you want: a decision, a discussion, a brainstorm, or an information session
Understand the dynamics that go on during meetings, how to control them, and how to ensure that what gets decided gets done
Run better brainstorming sessions that get more out of everyone around the conference room table.